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Plot Убийство китайского букмекера- глядеть онлайн безвозмездно. Graham J Super Reviewer. Eddie Ike Shaw as Cabby. This was [John] Cassavetes' gift.

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Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. Ben Gazzarra gives a grand performance as a hard-pressed debtor with delusions of grandeur in this naturalistic and tense thriller.
Tap to review this movie. Rate this movie. Oof, that was Rotten. Meh, it passed the time. So Fresh: Absolute Must See! You're almost there! Just confirm how you got your ticket. AMC Coming Soon. Cinemark Coming Soon. Regal Coming Soon. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. When Cassavetes is really cooking, even the moments that are awkward and forced can become electric.
Jay Cocks. John Cassavetes, who made much of his money performing in action films, put that experience to work as the director of this hard, brooding crime drama. Richard Brody. There's no cinematography credit, which suggests Cassavetes either added that hat to his writer-director wardrobe, or the real culprit left town ahead of the posse.

Variety Staff. It's rather like a shaggy dog story operating inside a chase movie. Chinese Bookie is the more insouciant, involuted and unfathomable of the two; the curdled charm of Gazzara's lopsided grin has never been more to the point. Melissa Anderson. Watching the film is like listening to someone use a lot of impressive words, the meanings of which are just wrong enough to keep you in a state of total confusion, but occasionally right enough to hold your attention.
What is he trying to say? Vincent Canby. Gazzara plays a strip-club owner committed to staging sad, unsexy, decidedly personal semi-nude musical revues. Keith Phipps. Jacoba Atlas. It's a movie about a testy, outsider artist and his gang of misfit collaborators, the John Cassavetes biopic once removed.
Sean Burns. The genre elements are mostly subterfuge because otherwise [Cassavetes would] basically be bleeding on the screen. Adam Kempenaar. Gazzara exudes cool and calm while also stinking of panic. Josh Larsen. In Mr. Sophistication, Meade Roberts, a screenwriter Cassavetes tapped to act, created an unforgettable figure. This was [John] Cassavetes' gift. As challenging as his films can be, he found humanity in gangsters and villains as well as in regular guys.

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