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After the formation of the Bundesliga in , Bayreuth played as a third division team until Altogether Bongartz played Bundesliga games, scoring 39 goals. He played games in the German Bundesliga for this club, scoring 28 goals. In , Hannover finally promoted to the Second Bundesliga. The league expanded to allow 16 teams beginning in the season, resulting in direct promotion for the 2nd Bundesliga league champions, should they fulfill all requirements and be interested in joining the DEL.
In Andersen became the first foreign player to be top goalscorer in a season with 18 goals in the Bundesliga. Qualification to the new Bundesliga was determined by taking the previous ten seasons into account. During his seven years at the club they achieved promotion to the Bundesliga , and later earned European qualification. In the Bundesliga the team coached by Max Merkel continued its success, winning the German Cup in The transfer is the most expensive in women's Bundesliga history.
He was voted one of the best players in the Bundesliga for the season while playing with Munich. At the end of the season he had made appearances in the Bundesliga and scored 21 goals in Germany's top division.

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